Wednesday, August 22, 2012

2 reasons why we struggle and how to overcome them

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From: Brian Tracy <>
Date: Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 11:11 PM
Subject: 2 reasons why we struggle and how to overcome them

Hi Jorge,
Every professional in every field today is experiencing the challenge of the new economy.
And what I've come to realize is that, if you're like most people, you struggle with at least one of these two situations:
  1. You're frustrated with those around you, who are getting paid more and promoted faster, even if they haven't put in as much time as you.
  2. You fear for your job security, and you haven't seen a raise in ages.
Whatever the case may be, the good news is that you CAN start getting paid more, and create the security you want – and a big part of doing so is by learning to capitalize on your strengths.

Learn how to capitalize on your strengths now.

Picture how your life would change, both personally and professionally, if you lived each day with a complete sense of security for you and your family-– to know you're excelling at a job that suits you, earning what you deserve, while becoming invaluable to your employer. If you pictured anything other than the life you're living RIGHT now, why are you cheating yourself?

In a few days, I'm doing a BRAND-NEW, LIVE webcast training, called, "Earn What You're Really Worth: 3 Ways to Increase Your Value to Get Paid More and Promoted Faster in ANY Market"

Register here!
"One's only security in life comes from doing something uncommonly well."  - Abraham Lincoln
In other words, if you define your strengths – and then forever focus on maximizing them – you can and WILL create security, long-term.
During "Earn What You're Really Worth: 3 Ways to Increase Your Value to Get Paid More and Promoted Faster," you learn:
  • How to identify and capitalize on your strengths by utilizing the Career Advancement Skills Assessment (which is a BONUS gift when you register)
  • A 4-step process to not just improve weaknesses but transform them into strengths
  • The 5 things you MUST do in order to get paid more and promoted faster
  • Specific time-management strategies that, if used correctly, will double your productivity GUARANTEED
  • The keys to strategically marketing yourself and your services--so you can easily differentiate yourself and develop your competitive advantage
  • The major reason why so many people are finding their jobs eliminated and themselves unemployed – and how you can avoid this situation
  • Techniques, ideas and methods for increasing your visibility in the workplace, so that you are seen as more efficient, more effective, and MORE valuable to your employer
  • And MUCH more!
Register for the free, live webcast today!
Plus, I'm doing a live Q&A segment, where you'll have a chance to submit your questions for me to answer on the webcast, as well as the opportunity to chat with me live during the training!
Learn how to "Earn What You're Really Worth" now.
Right now, YOU have the ability to create security for yourself and your family – all you need is the knowledge and information to make it happen.
There has never been a more crucial time to acquire the skills that I'm going to teach you in this free, LIVE webcast training--so sign up today!
To your success and security,

Brian Tracy
P.S. Remember, as soon as you sign up, you can submit your questions for me to answer during the webcast – and you'll have the chance to chat, live! Sign up now.
P.P.S. Be sure to take the Career Skills Assessment I'm giving you, too, we're going to be covering it during the webcast. Take the Career Skills Assessment here.

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Jorge U. Saguinsin

"Be the best, do your best, expect the best"

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