Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Take Control Of Your Mind: How to Develop Instant Willpower!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mirabelle Summers <>
Date: Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 6:28 AM
Subject: Take Control Of Your Mind: How to Develop Instant Willpower!

   Hi Jorge,

   Logically, you might think that nobody should
EVER have any trouble getting motivated.

   You think about what you want to achieve. You
think about the rewards and benefits inherent in
getting that particular task completed. Then you
do it.

   Sounds simple, doesn't it?

   But isn't it funny how MOTIVATION is such a big
problem for so many people?

   Many of us have issues actually getting
ourselves up off our backsides and taking steps to
get to where we want to go.

   We might be paralyzed by a fear of even
ATTEMPTING to achieve what we want. We might not
know how to do it.

   Or, we might just be too indifferent about it -
the rewards don't seem achievable to us, and
therefore there's not much point expending any
mental or physical energy in trying to achieve it.

   "Trying is the first step toward failing," you
might think, and leave it at that.

   This is where you need to figure out what KIND
of motivation actually works for you.

   ANTHONY ROBBINS: "There are 2 things that
motivate people toward success: inspiration and

   Robbins - the world-famous motivator and life
coach - has struck on an interesting truth in this
pithy statement: that there are 2 different kinds
of motivation.

   There is "away from" motivation, and there is
"toward" motivation.

   People who are "away from" motivated tend to be
excellent problem solvers. They see the PROBLEMS
inherent in things. They're motivated by the
AVOIDANCE of unpleasant sensations like pain,
stress, and anxiety.

   For example, to motivate themselves to get a
rust patch on their car fixed, they wouldn't be
motivated by thinking about how shiny and
immaculate their car would look with a fresh coat
of paint. They'd be motivated by the thought of
how much the rust will cost to fix if they allow
it get any worse, and how bad the car will look if
the rust isn't fixed.

   They're motivated by a desire to AVOID certain

   People who are "toward" motivated are motivated
by positive things, like pleasure, goals, and
rewards. They tend to respond well to perks and
incentives - for example, an office worker who's
motivated by 'toward' results would be motivated
by things like bonuses, holidays, additional
perks, and potential promotions.

   Knowing which kind of end result drives you is
a BIG part of motivating yourself to achieving
what you want.

   Although it might seem as though option #2 -
"toward" motivation - is the more 'positive'
option, this is actually not true. In fact, it's
possible to achieve PLENTY with EITHER option, and
each option has its advantages and disadvantages.

   Being an "away from" motivated person is just
as handy and open to opportunity as being a
"toward" motivated person.

   The NLP Comprehensive Training Team uses the
example of Dr Zweig, a famous 'away from'
motivated person, to prove the worth of this type
of motivation.

   Dr Zweig is a famous stock forecaster. His
desire NOT to lose money and NOT "get hurt" by the
stock exchange is what has prompted his legendary
dynamic caution when managing funds - and has
prompted his even MORE legendary multi-billion
dollar fortune.

   Dr Zweig advises other "away from" motivated
people to be aware of 3 important things:

   - That the further away you get from the
"threat" that's motivating you, the more your
motivation may diminish. So let's say you're
motivated by a fear of loneliness. You get
yourself a boyfriend, so you're no longer lonely.
He may not actually be a very good boyfriend for
you, but because your primary threat - that of
loneliness - has been neutralized, your motivation
to get a BETTER boyfriend isn't strong enough to
change the status quo.

   - "Away from" motivateds are more focused on
what they're getting away FROM than what they're
heading TOWARDS. This can prompt a kind of 'out of
the frying pan, into the fire' chain of results:
they're so focused on what they DON'T want that
they neglect to think about what they DO want.

   - The primary motivator of "away from"
motivated people is NEGATIVE EXPERIENCE. Things
like pain, anguish, anxiety, and discomfort are
what prompt "away from" people to act. Without a
consciousness of this mental motivation
programming, "away from" people can be subject to
putting up with TOO MUCH mental anguish before
they make a decision to change. True "away from"
achievers know that they are most productive when
they consciously adjust their tolerance of pain
and stress to being very LOW. In other words,
they're spurred to act by only very mild levels of
pain and stress, instead of waiting until things
get really bad before acting.

   As we've already spoken about, your VALUES are
a crucial part of motivating you to achieve what
you want out of life. Your values are what teach
you what you want, and what you DON'T want in
life, love, and relationships.

   To consistently achieve high results in
whatever you put your hand to, you need to
identify what your most important values are. Once
you know this, you can then take steps to fulfill
those values.

   So let's have a quick recap before we go any

   So far, you know:

   - What motivates you: whether it's the fear of
unpleasant things ("away from"), or the desire of
pleasant things ("towards")

   - What you need to beware of if you're an "away
from" person, so that you can make the most of
your personality without suffering undue stress

   - That you must know WHAT YOUR VALUES ARE
before you can hope to motivate yourself to
achieve them

   Now, it's time to figure out how to motivate
YOURSELF towards getting the man and the
relationship that you really want!

   Let's be honest here. How many of us really,
REALLY want a satisfying, rewarding, fulfilling,
long-term relationship with somebody who we really

   Studies have shown that, for the majority of
single men AND women, THIS IS THEIR NUMBER ONE

   Isn't it weird, then, how few people seem to
actually GET it?

   And how many, out of those people who actually
FIND a long-term relationship, who end up
discovering that that relationship wasn't actually
what they wanted, after all? That what they REALLY
wanted was something quite different to what they
ended up with?

   Humans are bad at 'predictive forecasting',
which is the art of KNOWING WHAT YOU WANT.

   We've already talked about how to make sure YOU
know what YOU want, so that you don't find
yourself in the predicament of achieving your
goals ... only to find that they're not what you
want after all!

   So now, let's talk about how you can ACHIEVE
your goals as they pertain to dating and

   These might be goals like, "Become more
sociable and confident in social situations."

   Or, "Get into the best shape ever so I look and
feel really attractive."

   Or, "Throw a Singles Party so I can start
taking control of my romantic future."

   Upon reflection, you'll find that there are
often quite strong DISCOURAGERS in place that work
to STOP us from achieving our goals.

   For example, if your goal was to throw a
singles party, you might be discouraged from
trying to achieve your goal by a fear that nobody
would come.

   If your goal was to get into the best shape of
your life so that you looked and felt great, you
might be discouraged by a dislike of physical

   If your goal was to become more sociable, you
might be held back by a fear of nervousness, and a
fear of doing or saying the wrong thing in social

   A lack of motivation isn't anything to do with
LAZINESS. As you now know, there are usually
discouragers at work that are JUST as strong as
the motivators that we have.

   The result is that we're trapped between these
two poles, wishing for change, but unable to
commit to an action either way.

   This is not a satisfying place to be in!

   The trick to overcoming these completely
natural, completely commonplace discouragers?

   It's all in the DETAILS.

   Practitioners of NLP call these details
"submodalities". These are the "fine print" of any
task, action, or item.

   For example, the submodalities of an IMAGE
could be that it's 3-dimensional or flat. It could
be Technicolor, sepia, or black and white. It
could be panoramic and seen right up close, or it
could be small, faint, and far away.

   (For more information on submodalities, see the
book, "NLP: The New Technology of Achievement", by
the NLP Comprehensive Training Team.)

   Interestingly, the human brain uses certain,
predictable patterns of submodalities when it's
dealing with things it's ATTRACTED to.

   So if you were to visualize a delicious piece
of rich, moist chocolate cake right now, you'd
most likely see it close up to your face, in high
detail and flattering, inviting color. You'd be
able to SMELL its rich fudginess. You'd see how
the light reflected off its glossy, buttery

   In contrast to this, things that are
UNATTRACTIVE are usually seen by the human brain
as being very small, distant, fuzzy, and far away.

   So, for example, think of a plateful of
Brussels Sprouts, and you'll likely see them a
small, dull picture of an undefined plate of green
vegetables. There is little detail. The colors are
dull and uninviting. They're at a distance to you,
not right up close to your face like the chocolate
cake was.

   How this applies to you: YOU CAN MAKE THINGS

   You can make yourself want to do things, simply
by changing the way your brain looks at them.

   Alter the submodalities, and you alter your
desires. Simple as that.

   To do this, visualize the END RESULT THAT YOU
WANT in clear, glossy, high-definition color.

   See yourself talking confidently and happily to
that good-looking guy. Smell the faint aroma of
cologne on his collar. See the light gleam off his
white teeth as he laughs at your jokes. Enjoy the
sound of his voice as he flirts with you.
Visualize what you're wearing, how you look, and
how your hair is styled. Picture him asking you
out on a date, and imagine how you'll feel as he

   Make this picture BIG, BRIGHT, and CLOSE UP.

   Now visualize the alternative: yourself NOT
talking to this guy - perhaps you're watching him
from across the room, from your vantage point
behind the potted plant.

   To make this picture as UNATTRACTIVE as
possible, make it SMALL, DIM, DULL, and FAR AWAY.

   Your brain will NATURALLY be drawn towards that
which is big, bright, and close-up.

   When you make a picture of your end goals as
you're more motivated to get it. There are some
truly incredible success stories attached to the
use of NLP (which is what this crafting of
submodalities and theory of motivation types is
based on.)

   If you want to know more about NLP and how you
can use it to quickly, easily, and dramatically
change your own life and relationships for the
better, I recommend that you take a moment and
read "Conversation Chemistry".

   "Conversation Chemistry" comes with an entire
bonus book dedicated to the theories and
strategies of NLP and how it can be used to
develop a strong, fulfilling, and rewarding

   It's ready now and you'll find it right here:

   I'll talk to you again soon!

   Your friend,

   Mirabelle Summers

   About the authors:

   Mirabelle Summers and Slade Shaw are the
inimitable  duo of dating and relationship experts
 at  Their fresh and engaging
approach to women's relationship advice,
particularly in empowering women to achieve
spiritual and physical transformations in their
personal lives, social lives, and all interactions
with men, has inspired and strengthened their
followers the world over. is a network dedicated to
giving you the ultimate toolkit to creating the
success you crave with men AND with life. No
matter who you are, we can help you become the
absolute best you can be at relating with the
opposite sex. MeetYourSweet has thousands of
satisfied customers who have used their life tools
to help them kickstart their personal and social

   Your new life starts today at:

Level 2, 107 Cashel St
Christchurch, Canterbury 8011

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