Monday, May 20, 2013

Home Cures - Avoiding computer vision syndrome

Here are tips on how you can protect your sight if you are a computer user. I think I need this one.

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Here's an important truth you should know: your computer is NOT your best friend when it comes to your eyes!

Studies show that spending endless hours in front of the computer screen can cause tired eyes and a variety of other eye problems.

So, if you happen to be the type who works on your computer for hours at a time or you're someone who loves to surf the Web…

You need to know that you might end up paying quite a high price for this with your vision!

The good news is that there are ways to protect your eyes even if you have to be "tied" to your computer for work or other reasons.

Just because computers are part of your daily life and work, it doesn't mean you have to live with eye problems or worse - permanent eye damage.

Take Hourly Breaks
You don't have to go far if you want to combat computer-related eye problems.

The first thing you need to do is to listen to your body. It will give you a "cue" on when you should take a break.

If you work until you feel a burning sensation in your eyes and you notice that they're all red, this just means that you disregarded your body's previous warning signs.

When working in front of your computer, keep track of the feeling in your hands and your back. You'll probably note a sensation of tightness or tiredness in these areas before your eyes get really tired.

This will help you avoid spending too much time staring at the screen and damaging your eyes.

As a rule of thumb, take a short break after every hour of work. You should aim to leave your seat and move around at least once an hour.
Proven Techniques to Protect Your Eyes
However, do bear in mind that these mini-breaks aren't enough to protect your eyes.

If you'd like to enjoy good vision despite spending time in front of your computer, you need to follow these eye-friendly techniques.

Technique #1 - Light it Up

A well-lit environment will help you avoid straining your eyes. Even though your computer screen is lit up, sitting in a dark room can still cause major eye strain. An added bonus is that the lights improve the atmosphere and keep you feeling positive.

Technique #2 - Get Comfy
Sitting comfortably can go a long way toward keeping your eyes healthy. You should position your keyboard or monitor at a distance that's just right. This means you don't have to stretch your neck or look at what's on the screen at an awkward angle.

Technique #3 - Time to Yawn

Let out a huge yawn. Yes, you need to do this even if you're not sleepy! Yawning helps to stretch out and loosen the jaw muscles. This in turn helps keep headaches and eye strain at bay.

Technique #4 – Blinkety Blink

One of the most damaging habits things you can have when you're in front of your computer is to not blink! Blinking is a natural way to keep your eyes from getting dry. So, take a few minutes to lubricate your eyes the natural way by rolling your eyeballs around.

If you're in an office and don't want unnecessary questions - you might want to do this while keeping your eyes shut!

Technique #5 - The 15-minute Glance

Set a timer that will go off every 15 to 20 minutes. You could use your smart phone, or if you don't have one, even a kitchen timer will do. When you hear the alarm, look away from the screen for a couple of minutes. Practice focusing on objects that are both close to you and at a distance so you can exercise your eyes.

These 5 techniques will go a long way toward protecting your vision even if you end up spending endless hours in front of your computer!

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About the Author:
Duke Peterson spent more than 25 years in the ophthalmology business. As a leading optical doctor, people were shocked when he left his practice to help vision sufferers improve their eyesight - naturally. Duke is the author of Vision Without Glasses and has spent many years perfecting his system that exploits a previously unknown short-cut to get your vision back, naturally and forever.

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