Thursday, March 7, 2013

Calcium for fat loss; probiotics vs sinusitis

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From: Underground Health Reporter <>
Date: Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 12:29 AM
Subject: How to Prevent Dangerous Toxins From Clogging Your Sinuses

Brought to you by Think-Outside-the-Book Publishing, LLC
How to Prevent Dangerous Toxins From Clogging Your Sinuses

In This Issue:

*Did You Know...?
*Featured Article: Discover How A Hospital Treatment for Lung Patients May End Sinus Suffering for Millions
*A Word from Our Sponsor:
Vanguard's 5 Secret Funds

Did You Know...

... that calcium not only builds strong bones, but also helps you lose weight?
     Calcium is truly a miracle mineral.  First, of course, it helps prevent osteoporosis, a disease that afflicts more than 40 million people in the United States alone.  But in addition, it also helps control high blood pressure, cardiovascular illness, and cholesterol levels, and it even lowers your risk of breast and colon cancers.  Finally, over a decade of research has also highlighted another coveted benefit—weight loss!

Calcium and Fat Loss

Researcher Angelo Tremblay and his team at Université Laval's Faculty of Medicine in Canada have been studying the link between calcium and weight loss for the last 10 years.  Their first study revealed that people with calcium-deficient diets had larger waistlines, more body fat and higher LDL (bad) cholesterol levels than those with moderate or high-calcium diets.  Their second study showed that people who decreased their calcium intake over a 6-year period gained weight, body fat, and girth. In 2007, Tremblay and team revealed the link between calcium and elevated heart disease among dieters.

     Their 2009 study, published in the British Journal of Nutrition is the most exciting.  Results of this 15-week study indicate that increased calcium intake helps stimulate weight loss in calcium-deficient obese women.  Participants followed a low-fat diet and increased their calcium intake from 600mg a day to 1200mg a day (the control group was given a placebo pill).  The women who received the calcium supplements lost nearly 6kg of fat versus the control group, which lost a mere 1kg.

      Researchers theorize that adequate calcium levels help suppress your appetite.  "Our hypothesis is that the brain can detect the lack of calcium and seeks to compensate by spurring food intake, which obviously works against the goals of any weight loss program," said Tremblay.  "Sufficient calcium intake seems to stifle the desire to eat more," he explained.

     Alarmingly, over half of the overweight women who visit his clinic do not consume a sufficient amount of calcium!

     Lead researcher Michael Zemel, author of The Calcium Key: The Revolutionary Diet Discovery That Will Help You Lose Weight Faster, explains that calcium helps inhibit the hormone calcitriol, which stimulates the production of fat cells.  By suppressing calcitriol, calcium helps the body whittle away fat cells so that you have a leaner, shapelier figure.  On the contrary, when you don't consume enough dairy you tell your body that it needs to store and make more fat! Ultimately, calcium helps you shed pounds because it helps to convert calories and fat to heat, instead of storing the pounds as excess fat reserves.  Zemel calculates that calcium may be able to increase weight loss by as much as 70%!

How to Increase Your Calcium Intake

The recommended daily allowance for males and females is 1000mg of calcium per day.  Women over 50 should aim for 1200mg per day.  Three servings of low-fat or fat-free dairy products should meet this requirement.

     If you are lactose intolerant, you can either eat small quantities of calcium with other foods, or opt for lactose-reduced or lactose-free dairy options.  Dark green, leafy vegetables such as kale and spinach are also high in calcium, as are almonds, salmon, and sesame seeds.
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Featured Article:
How to Prevent Dangerous Toxins From
Clogging Your Sinuses

Discover How A Time-Tested Hospital Treatment for
Lung Patients May End Sinus Suffering for Millions

     Over 40 million Americans silently suffer with sinus pressure, stuffy nose, difficult breathing, chronic throat clearing, sleep troubles, or the awful "head full of cotton."  Worse yet, for most of those who suffer from sinus trouble, the symptoms keep coming back over and over again.

     The reason for this, it turns out, is that the real cause of sinus problems is not simply bacteria, as many doctors and researchers formerly believed.  A growing body of research shows that dried-up mucus packs brimming with toxins—including fungus—may be the real cause of your clogged nose, agonizing sinus pressure, and endless suffering.

     The Mayo Clinic says 96% of sinus sufferers have FUNGUS in their nose!

     Prior to this groundbreaking discovery, scientists believed fungus was involved in less than 10% of sinus cases.  Thanks to this Mayo Clinic study, scientists now understand that fungus is the likely culprit of problems in nearly all sinus sufferers.

     This new understanding has helped integrative physicians identify powerhouse natural sinus solutions target fungus and bacteria in order to safely and effectively:
      Relieve endless nasal congestion and clogged sinuses
      Stop sinus draining and dripping mucus
      Ease agonizing sinus pressure and that "heavy" face feeling
      Help you sleep soundly
      Prevent thick, morning mucus
      Put an end to embarrassing bad breath or chronic throat clearing
Sinus Powerhouse #1: Nature's Mucus Dissolving Miracle

N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) is a modified version of the sulfur-based amino acid cysteine.  NAC has traditionally been used in hospital settings to clear mucus in lung patients.  Now, studies show that NAC has the unique ability to detoxify and dissolve unhealthy, embedded mucus in your sinuses.  One study showed that it starts working in only 30 minutes!

     A growing number of experts call NAC a "super nutrient."  It's used in natural medicine to help a variety of health problems, and it's also relied on by conventional doctors for its rare ability clear extra mucus in lung patients and for its ability to boost the liver's detoxifying power in critical situations.

     NAC is so important you'd be hard pressed to find any leading hospital without ample supplies of it.  But it's only recently that NAC has been recognized as a potential miracle for sinus sufferers.

     It all began when a team of Korean scientists did what nobody else has ever done—they got a close up look at misery-causing mucus, which is surprisingly difficult to do.  You can't analyze it while it's in the nose, and it's hard to get through tiny sinus openings to collect it.  Additionally, it's difficult to collect an adequate sample for scientific study.  That's why for decades only a few studies were ever done on mucus-dissolving solutions.

     But the Korean team found a way to collect mucus from sinuses and nasal passages.  They used middle-ear fluid collectors to actually draw out the mucus from real patients.

     They tested four different "mucolytic agents" (solvents known to break up mucus), directly on the thick mucus samples.  One of the compounds tested was NAC.

     NAC worked with stunning speed—in just 30 minutes the scientists saw visible results.  In just one hour, the mucus was flowing easily—and the effect lasted for 4 hours.

     When compared to untreated mucus, the NAC:
      Improved mucus slipperiness by up to 45 percent for better flow
      Reduced stickiness by up to 30%
     In a fascinating human study, NAC was compared to a leading herbal sinus product used throughout Germany.  In this randomized, open-label study, a full 86.8% of sinus patients who took NAC reported they were "improved" or "cured."

     NAC also improves lung health. Researchers looked at the results of nine different clinical trials with over 2,000 participants who took NAC over a 6-month period (the dosages ranged from 300 mg to 1,200 mg a day).  They concluded that NAC promoted lung health and even helped prevent lung episodes by 23%—in other words, easier, clearer, healthier breathing.

Sinus Powerhouse #2: Nasal Probiotics

NAC is even more powerful at clearing your sinuses when combined with probiotics.  A groundbreaking study shows that a certain combination of probiotics (healthy bacteria) can actually help what's happening in your nasal passages.  These "good flora" help your immune system to neutralize the "bad" bacteria that try to invade your nose.

     Researchers reviewed 12 clinical trials on the use of probiotics for seasonally triggered sinus issues.  The results were phenomenal!  They concluded that:

     "Probiotics dramatically reduced the symptoms and severity of seasonal runny noses due to sinus problems."

     Working synergistically and delivered at research-level doses, NAC and nasal probiotics can melt the thick, toxic mucus that keeps you trapped in sinus misery, and neutralize the bad bacteria in your nasal ways.  In fact, this combination does what no other sinus treatment can—it stops recurring sinus trouble and keeps it from coming back.

The Hidden Danger of Antihistamines

Decongestants and antihistamines may dry up mucus and stop your nose from running.  But this drying effect is the exact opposite of what you need.

     That's' because when your sinuses get too dry, it not only irritates your nasal passages, but it triggers your body to produce even more mucus.  And the extra mucus turns into the gunk that gets trapped in your sinuses (a.k.a., dried up mucus packs).  You wind up with even more congestion, and the nightmarish cycle repeats itself.

     The truth is that your body needs healthy mucus. It moistens your sinuses and keeps them clean.  Healthy mucus allows soothing, warm air to flow easily through your nose and down to your lungs... like lubricating oil that keeps your respiratory system running.

     Your immune system also depends on mucus to function.  Mucus helps trap and block out unhealthy particles—like bacteria, viruses, and even dust—all of which attempt to enter your nose on a daily basis.  In fact, 90% of unhealthy invaders enter your body through your nose.

     Clearly, your body and your health suffer when antihistamines and decongestants dry up your healthy mucus.  In contrast, NAC doesn't dry up mucus. Instead, it turns sticky toxic mucus into healthy mucus and keeps it flowing normally.

How To Put An End To Ruthless, Debilitating Pain

There's nothing quite like sinus pain... the relentless throbbing in your face can be ruthless.  In fact, one Harvard study even said that sinus sufferers report the highest level of pain and lowest level of social functioning—as well as significant problems with work, energy and mental health.

     But it doesn't need to be this way.  Click here to access a free video presentation that reveals how in as little as 30 minutes, the right combination of NAC and probiotics can bring lasting relief, no matter how long you have suffered with nasal congestion, agonizing sinus pressure, or awful dripping mucus.  Discover how to put an end to embarrassing throat clearing, poor sleep, and endless doctor visits!  You can get all the details you need right here, and end your pain permanently.

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